End of June 2013 we bartered with Johann Forstner and his mother Renate Forstner in the village of Orth an der Donau. The results of this trade and the whole archive of videos are on display at museumOrth which kindly invited us to work in Orth. The project was funded by the Land Niederösterreich, publicart.at.
In August 'I like being a farmer' was part of the festival 'Blickpunkt jwd' in the small village of Grube in the Northwest of Brandenburg in Germany. Our highlight was the 'Long night of Farmers' Films' when we showed the videos to an audience of local experts (i.e. former workers of the pig farm and the LPG in Grube) and a lot more of enthusiastic guests. The location was perfect: The former pigsty, now the haystack of Grube's only farm, was turned into a 3-cinema-multiplex with convenient hay seating.