Where does contemporary practice exist within rural settings? Where does it show and where is it discussed? Where and what is a rural art space?
The one day symposium was the last day in a series of events which looked at existing and potential cultural spaces and spaces for art across Shropshire.
It was organised for a regional audience of practitioners with invited guests from other regions in the UK who are involved in cultural organisations and initiatives in rural settings.
Browse the Rural Art Space website
- to find out more about the overall programme
- to read and follow the presentations given during the morning session
- to find a list of all the partners and contributors involved
- to view the rural art space mappings produced during the day and
- to read feedback on the day.
see www.ruralartspace.net.
The symposium was a partnership venture between myvillages.org, Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery, mediamaker and the School of Art and Design (SAD), University of Wolverhampton.