Portret of Kathrin
Kathrin is a founding member and partner of the London based artist/architect collective public works, and she's also a founding member of myvillages.org.
She grew up in Höfen, a village of 200 residents in Upper Frankonia, Southern Germany.

In 2004 she started, together with the "Höfer Frauen" (an informal group of around 30 women from the village), "Höfer Goods".

"Höfer Goods" derive from stories, skills, materials and ambitions amongst the group, and are launched annually during the village fete on the first weekend in October.
A product designer from outside the village collaborates with the group on shaping ideas and developing new produce. Angelika Seeschaaf from eeaa Design has been involved in 2006 and 2008.
"Höfer Waren" is ongoing.
There will be more Eco Nomadic School
05 August 2013

I'm now linking most of what I'm doing in the village to the Eco Nomadic School - as a support and exchange framework, but also in regards to some minimal funding that mainly allows for travel and some fees. We've just heard that a continuation of the project has been granted and we are looking forward to working again with aaa in Paris, FCDL from Brezoi and the Peasant Museum Frensdorf as official partners.
All activities will be logged on the Rhyzom website. Rhyzom preceded the Eco Nomadic School as a pro-active and collaborative research project.


Eco Nomadic School reporting back
05 April 2013


I met with the women from Höfen - during a special Friday afternoon coffee and cake session - to present the brand new postcards with images from our two day workshop, and to report a little bit back from what was happening in Colombe and Brezoi.


Writing the report
11 November 2012


A week after the Eco Nomadic workshop Heidi, Gabriele, Gabi, Sylvia and Ingrid met up in the local pub
to talk about what happened and write the reports we need for the EU officials. The conclusion: it was great to spend time with so many people from so many different backgrounds, and everyone would just listen to each other. Something that doesn't happen in the village too often.


International Kraut
22 October 2012




The first day of the Eco Nomadic School in Höfen was spent on issues of producing, preserving and reserving, in short terms: on economy. The group was fairly international, with guests from Rumania, Hungary, Syria, Sweden, France Italy and of course a large group of women from Höfen.
We spend a good two hours in the kitchen of the local Peasant Museum to turn Frankonian and Rumanian white cabbage into a number of dishes: sauerkraut, salad, stir fry and a bake.
The sauerkraut is now fermenting away in my parent's garage, and will be shared in the village later. Other outcomes include some sharp and helpful reminders of rural feminist action, new networks between urban and rural gardening initiatives, the exchange of many recipes and some good old group led sense of empowerment.


The Eco Nomadic School goes Frankonia, 19 - 21 October 2012
16 September 2012



After the first international workshop in Höfen on clay and local production, we are braving a second visit and shared programme. This time in cooperation with the Agricultural Museum in Frensdorf and Heide Inhetveen from the Female Eduaction Centre in Sulzbürg.
This time guests will be from France, the UK, Rumania, Sweden and of course Germany, and the motto is women and their economies in villages, from housekeeping and collective production spaces to setting up business and shops.
We are coming to Höfen for a Coffee and CAke session on the Friday afternoon, with the idea to also talk about how women made and kept money in the past.

A link the the full programme is here.

The workshop is part of the Eco Nomadic School, a follow up from the pan-European Rhyzom network.

myvillages.org is one of the four leading partners in the Eco Nomadic School.


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This website documents the work of Myvillages from 2003 to 2023.

To find out where Myvillages is working at the moment visit ruralschoolofeconomics.info and villageplay.net.
All our project websites are listed at “about us”.

Contact us at info@myvillages.org